Let's talk!
A Memorable Day at

Ghetto Film School & LUX LIGHTING: Inspiring Young Minds in the World of Cinematography

We had an incredible time hosting a class for Ghetto Film School.  Mike Bauman took us on an illuminating journey through Set Lighting, sharing his personal on-set experiences and expertise on three-point lighting and discussed main priorities when approaching a shoot, emphasizing the importance of capturing the desired mood and atmosphere through the skillful use of lighting techniques. Also, unraveling the secrets to setting the perfect mood and flawlessly highlighting subjects. The event also showcased the exciting evolution from traditional hot lights to cutting-edge LED technology.

Students discovered the energy-efficient and versatile lighting solutions that are revolutionizing the film industry. Hands-on experiences with professional lights was an inspiring moment for everyone. The future of filmmaking looks brighter than ever! We want to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who attended and made this event a success! Stay tuned for more exciting educational opportunities and innovative experiences in the world of Set Lighting.

Photos Or It Didn't Happen...

Nothing like hands on experience!

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